We are led by elected students, comprising a Board of Directors, executives, and staff who collectively manage our strategy, services, funds, and daily operations. As a member, every Ontario Tech student is encouraged to participate in our activities.

How does a student union work?
The OTSU functions according to its General Bylaws. Our Bylaws outline the OTSU’s operating procedure, including elections procedures; establishing rights, roles, and responsibilities of members and employees; determining the organization’s legal responsibilities; and more.
Learn more about our General BylawsWho runs the student union?
We encourage students to take an active role in steering the future of their student union by getting involved with a committee, volunteering for events, running in elections, or by providing feedback.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors, composed of Ontario Tech students from each faculty, are the highest level of organizational oversight at the OTSU. They are the stewards of the student union and are responsible for:
- Upholding the OTSU’s mission
- Setting the strategic direction of the student union
- Providing leadership and guidance
- Ensuring legal compliance with the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act
- Authorizing all major expenditures and approving the annual operating budget
- Overseeing the executive’s projects
- Monitoring programs and services
- Establishing special and standing committees
- Reviewing and approving policies
The executive leadership is composed of one student President and three student Vice Presidents (VP Downtown, VP Student Affairs, VP Student Life), who are elected each year by the student body at Ontario Tech. If a position is vacant after elections, the position is filled through a hiring process. Their responsibilities include:
- Setting the organization’s priorities
- Gathering student feedback
- Collaborating with staff on projects
- Participating in the Ontario Undergraduate Student Association
- Meeting with university administration
- Sitting on university and OTSU committees
- Reporting to the board
- Communicating transparently with the student body
The full-time professional staff are responsible for the day-to-day operations at the OTSU, and include functions such as, finance, administration, event planning, and marketing. They are responsible for:
- Supporting Board and Executive projects
- Achieving departmental goals
- Administering OTSU services
- Financial accountability
- Coordinating club and society enrolment and initiatives
- Marketing and communications
- Human resources, including hiring and onboarding
- Event planning and logistics

Why do we have a student union?
Your student union is here to amplify your voice and ensure your needs as an Ontario Tech student are adequately met. We do this by listening to student concerns, sitting on university committees to provide a student-centric perspective, providing spaces for students to speak up, and so much more!
We do all of this with your best interest in mind, and we do it at your behest.
How we've improved your student life:
- Providing health plan coverage
- Funding club and society event initiatives
- Successfully advocated to lower the cost of digital learning resources
- Successfully advocated to extend examination periods and lower final project weights
- Negotiated a universal, flat-rate transit pass for students
- Provide students with free menstrual products
How is the student union funded?
The OTSU is entirely funded by your student fees. Students’ membership fees provide the OTSU with its annual operating budget and go toward providing important services like, health benefits, legal counsel, wellness initiatives, clubs and societies, and more.
Learn more about student union feesHow can I get involved?
As an Ontario Tech student, you are already a member of the student union and you have the right to take part in its direction. Have your voice heard and make an impact in your community. We encourage you to take part in any way, shape, or form!
Join a committee
We need students to help guide our mission and achieve our goals, that’s why we’ve set up a number of committees for students to have their input on the OTSU’s direction.
Run in the elections
The OTSU elections run every year in the winter semester. Declare your candidacy in January for a Board of Directors position or Executive position.
Provide feedback
We want to know how you think we’re doing! Please fill out this feedback form to let us know your thoughts on our services, events, advocacy stances, or anything you think is important. You can also have your voice heard at our Annual General Meeting held every year in November.
Volunteer with us
Want to receive co-curricular recognition on your Student Experience Record? Join our pool of vivacious volunteers who help at events throughout the year! Each volunteer will receive an honorarium and an OTSU swag bag for volunteering.