Clubs & Societies
OTSU clubs and societies are student-led groups that foster community and belonging by connecting like-minded individuals with opportunities to pursue passions, learn, and form lasting connections.

From anime to accounting, Islam to engineering, and everything in between, the OTSU has a club for everyone! Clubs are student-run groups that provide opportunities to make lifelong connections with like-minded people, pursue personal and professional passions, and contribute to their community!
How to get started
Academic success and an enjoyable, holistic university experience go hand-in-hand, so make the most of your time at Ontario Tech by joining a club, or, if you can't find one you're looking for, START YOUR OWN! Joining a club is your gateway to enriching your time at Ontario Tech, and executive members can put their experience on their Student Experience Record.
- Discover diverse groups
- Ignite your passion
- Grow your community
- Earn leadership experience
- Receive official co-curricular recognition

OTSU clubs and societies connect like-minded students with personal and professional opportunities.
Whether you know it or not, you're already a part of your faculty's society. What does that mean? It means that if you're a business major, you're a part of Business and IT Society, or if you're an engineering student, you're in the Engineering Society (FYI, everyone calls them BITsoc (“bɪt-sɑk”) and EngSoc (“ɛndʒ-sɑk”)).
How to get started
Societes hold special events throughout the year that bring their members together for casual meet-and-greets, study sessions, professional development opportunities, mentorship, or just to have a fun evening out. Reach out to your society today to find out what they're doing and how you can get involved.
- Enhance your experience
- Find faculty-specific mentors
- Receive official co-curricular recognition
- Earn executive experience
Sponsorship Agreement Template
This agreement outlines the terms, conditions, and mutual obligations between student organizations and sponsoring entities. It ensures a clear understanding and smooth collaboration between both parties.